Wychavon Ukrainian Network Support

This site is a resource for Ukrainians who have come to live in Wychavon and for their hosts and other friends.
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About Us

Local group to Wychavon & surrounding areas for sponsors & Ukrainians to support each other, network and share experiences of the process.
Локальна група Wychavon і прилеглих районів для спонсорів і українців підтримати один одного, мережа і обмінюватися досвідом процесу
Местная группа для Wychavon & Aluess для спонсоров и украинцев для поддержки друг друга, сети и обмена опытом процесса

Useful Guides

Government Guide for Ukrainian Refugees arriving in Britain.

Click here to download it from the government website!

Red Cross Guide for Ukrainian Refugees arriving in Britain,

Click here to read the guide on their website.

Learn more about the Wychavon Area.

Click here to discover more about Wychavon on Wikipedia!

A Guide to the NHS.

Click here to discover more about the NHS on their website!

Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to provide a free resource platform for our Ukrainian Friends

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